The TikTok Algorithm Explained

TikTok has been in the hearts and minds of young consumers since it landed on our screens. What initially began as a music and dancing app has moulded over time, has now become an essential social media platform for many consumers and large brands, as well as one of the most integral marketing platforms for influencer marketing and UGC generation.

Like most social media platforms, TikTok utilises an algorithm to recommend new content, show you content it thinks you may like, introduce you to new things and learn more about you. From funny cat videos to pressure-washing pavements, and of course, the new generation of TikTok personalities becoming the faces of reputable brands, the algorithm works hard to keep supplying an infinite amount of content. But how do you use this to your advantage? Below, we’re going to explore the TikTok algorithm in more depth, how to manipulate it and what Cab Hospitality can do to assist with your TikTok strategy.

What is the TikTok algorithm?

The TikTok algorithm is a system that decides what you are shown when you log into the app. The app uses your individual preferences, stated preferences and TikTok data to show you videos it thinks you will like on your For You Page (FYP). As a result, no two Tiktok FYPs are the same and while you will see similar content to friends, family and those around you, the algorithm dictates that your FYP is exactly that: for you only.

The cab Hospitality Teams Tiktok Account

TikTok algorithm content

TikTok content falls under three categories and this defines everything you see when you’re scrolling on your FYP.

Inspirational content

Inspirational content urges people to take action after seeing an ad.

E.g. unboxing and using a product which urges you to check out or purchase the product yourself.

Entertaining content

Content that generates positive emotions.

E.g. any content you share with friends or save because it inspires positive emotions or entertainment value.

Educational content

This type of content is a golden ticket for sales. People who learn something with quick-paced video content can be prompted to make a purchase.

E.g. a video on the lifehacks of kitchen utensils could prompt you to purchase the same utensil to try out for yourself.

How does the TikTok algorithm work?

“The system recommends content by ranking videos based on a combination of factors - starting from interests you express as a new user and adjusting from things you indicate that you’re not interested in.” - Official statement by TikTok.

So, how you watch TikTok directly influences what you watch on TikTok. This includes:

  • User interactions and user interaction history (likes, saves, watch-through)
  • Video info (subject matter, caption)
  • Device and account settings (language)
  • Audio (song, trending sound)

The TikTok algorithm crawls through videos and shows you things based on your unique user interaction. i.e. if you liked 5 videos discussing cooking, sent it to a friend, commented on the video or saved it, this tells TikTok to feed you more of the same things and you’ll likely see more recipes or cooking videos on your FYP.

Another contributing factor is the subject matter of the videos. If you watch a lot of videos about the best exercises to train your biceps, for example, TikTok sees this as a golden opportunity to recommend more videos of a similar context.

How long you watch a video is another influential factor. If you watch a video through to the end or if you watch it several times, this tells the algorithm you’ve enjoyed the content and will then recommend you more.

How to influence the TikTok algorithm

If you want to tailor your content for a perfectly curated FYP, there are a few things you can do.

  • When you make your account, pick only the things you’re interested in seeing.
  • Like, share, comment on and save any content that you want to see more of.
  • Follow the accounts of people you like and the types of content you like to see to get recommended similar pages.
  • Follow pages and hashtags within your desired niche to be recommended more videos of a similar context.
  • Use the “Not Interested”* tab to tell TikTok which videos you want to see less of. *Hold down on a video and a tab of options will pop up, click not interested and you’ll be shown less content of that nature.
  • Hide certain creators who produce content that is of no interest to you.
  • Search videos via certain keywords and hashtags to stay on top of trends and topics.
  • Follow the hashtags and keywords you frequently search for. I.e #BestLondonRestaurants for frequent restaurant recommendations.

Why you need to influence the algorithm

In marketing, you need to stand out from everyone else. But to do that, you need to know what everyone is doing if it works, and why it works. If you plan on tapping into the fountain of TikTok marketing, you can use your FYP to see what others in your industry are doing, the videos that work for them and how you can get similar results.

Using the above methods (and a little insider knowledge and Cab Hospitality assistance), you can curate a perfectly tailored pinboard of ideas. Then, when you log onto the app, you’ll have a frequent stream of ideas, industry updates, current trends, future trends, and plenty of inspiration for your own content ideas. Put simply: a tailored FYP keeps you in the loop and means you only see the most relevant content for you and your business.

The Social Media App Tiktok

Going viral: our tips

A favourite phrase heard in many marketing meetings is “We want to go viral”, and while TikTok does release their algorithm for transparency, they don’t release a guide on how exactly to go viral. Luckily, the Cab Hospitality team has beady eyes and loves to spot industry trends.

1. Find a format that works for you and your audience.

One way TikTok stars and popular pages are gaining a lot of traction is by finding a format that works for them and then replicating the content. A great example of this is foodie TikToker Mads. Her hungover takeaways have been a great hit on the app and even secured her some sponsor deals.

2. Advertise a USP

If you can use your platform to discuss a USP or interesting element of your business, this can be a goldmine for views. Think of this as your online version of an Instagrammable background wall that does the rounds online. A great example of this is Onda Past Bar’s tiramisu drawer. A truly unique feature that secured them over 7m views and a huge surge in online traffic, views, interaction and shares.

3. Find content that engages audiences to generate more content

A great example of this is Big Nibbles Food on TikTok. While his content is certainly a niche, he uses the engagement of his audiences to create ideas for more content. With his “‘Official’ sandwiches” series, he asks his audience who they’d like to see next, creating more comments, more engagement, and less hassle figuring out things for himself. Ask what your audience wants and give it to them. Simple.

4. Don’t try to grow without a plan

TikTok requires your page to have a specific number of posts before it is recommended to grow your following and reach. So, your initial content plan needs to work with the algorithm to help your page get categorised in the right niche and set you up for success. The number of posts needed? You’ll have to get in touch and find out.

5. Short videos, playful content

To manipulate the algorithm, you need to make sure people watch your videos all the way through. This means short, playful and entertaining content (if that works for your brand). Capture your audience quickly and make sure they’re entertained. A brand that does this really well is Turtle Bay. Their content uses current trends, and trending audio and uses their staff for fun, enticing content that appeals to their target audience.


TikTok is taking steps to becoming an SEO platform, which means the more you can SEO your videos, the better chance you have at getting noticed for specific keywords and niches. It also presents better opportunities to ensure your page maintains traffic over a period of time. Luckily, this is something the Cab Hospitality team can assist with!

How we can help

TikTok content should be the perfect combination of meticulous planning and having a lot of fun. You want to engage your audience without coming from an overly sales-y point of view, inspire new audiences, refresh your brand image and deepen your connection with your existing audience. Sounds simple?

TikTok isn’t as easy as throwing a video together and getting lots of likes. You’ll need to understand the algorithm, understand how to manipulate the algorithm to reach new audiences, connect with existing audiences and most importantly, how to stay afloat when things start taking off. At Cab Hospitality, we know a thing or two about TikTok marketing and can help your business tap into new marketing streams. When you work with us, we can assist in creating a recurring short-term content plan, SEO across your TikTok page, finding and staying up to date with industry trends, sounds and ideas, suggesting new ideas and ensuring you are always at the front of your consumer’s minds.

Get in touch directly to discuss your TikTok ambitions with one of the team and we can do the rest!

Contact us for more information on how cab Hospitality can help your business.